Danmarks ambassade søger administrationschef

Danmarks ambassade
Danskere kan allerede nu brevstemme til Europa-Parlamentsvalget den 9. juni. Det kan ske på den danske ambassade i Warszawa og i byerne Gdynia, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan, Szczecin og Wroclaw, hvor der er danske konsulater. Arkivfoto.

WARSZAWA: Danmarks ambassade søger en administrationschef, der skal være med til at repræsentere Danmarks interesser i Polen.

Der er travlhed på den danske ambassade i Polen, og nu søges der en administrationschef, som kan holde styr på alle processerne.

Ambassaden i Warszawa håndterer og repræsenterer Danmarks politiske, kommercielle, forsvarsmæssige og kulturelle forhold til Polen. Og der er travlt på alle områderne. Relationerne mellem Polen og Danmark har udviklet sig markant de senere år, og det har betydet, at ambassaden er blevet udvidet flere gange.

Travlhed på Danmarks ambassade

Ikke mindst i forbindelse med den stigende interesse for grøn omstilling og digitalisering, har der været god brug for de cirka 40 medarbejdere, der arbejder på ambassaden i dag. Otte af dem er udsendte fra Udenrigsministeriet og andre danske ministerier. Men senest har Ruslands invasion af Ukraine også medført hektisk aktivitet for medarbejderne på den danske ambassade.

– Vi samarbejder og har det godt med hinanden på ambassaden, og det giver både gode resultater og medarbejdertilfredshed, siger viceambassadør Malene Bøgesvang.

Udenrigsministeriet arbejder for at fremme ligestilling og mangfoldighed, og derfor opfordres alle kvalificerede og interesserede uanset alder, køn, religion og etnicitet til at søge stillingen.

Hvis man er interesseret i jobbet som administrationschef, skal man skynde sig. Ansøgningen skal afleveres senest tirsdag. Læs hele jobopslaget herunder (engelsk).

LINK: Danmarks ambassade i Polen


Danmarks ambassade i Warszawa søger administrationschef


Head of Administration at the Danish Embassy in Warsaw

The Royal Danish Embassy in Poland is seeking to hire a dynamic and dedicated Head of Administration with a strong focus on ensuring compliance within all areas of the embassy’s administration. It is very important that the Head of Administration is a team player who is able to motivate experienced and independent team members.

What do we offer you?

We offer an exciting and dynamic international work environment with a wide range of interesting and stimulating tasks in close cooperation with the management team at the embassy.

Great opportunities for further development of your professional and personal competences.

You will be offered full-time employment.

The work contract will be based on the Polish labour market rules and salary in accordance with the Embassy’s Salary Policy for local staff.

 What will you do?

The main tasks of the Head of Administration are 1) leading the administration and consular team (consisting of 5 employees), 2) responsibility of budget and accounting 3) ensuring compliance within all areas of the administration of the embassy including personel administration, housing administration and contact to the diplomatic protocol.

As Head of Administration an important part of the job is to always keep up to date with the relevant instructions from the MFA in Copenhagen, plan ahead and ensure that all embassy employees have an awareness of the importance of compliance including their own administrative responsibilities such as activity budgets, travel and outlay settlements.

Concerning budget and accounting the Head of Administration will be working together with both the MFA Headquarter in Copenhagen and our regional shared Service Center in Tallinn, Estonia.

What do we require?

  • Management skills

  • Solid experience with accounting and administration

  • A flexible, service-minded and team-oriented approach

  • A strong sense of responsibility and thoroughness

  • A structured mind-set and excellent planning and coordination skills

  • High integrity and the ability to handle stressful situations

  • Language skills: English, Polish and Danish (alternatively Norwegian or Swedish)

How to apply

Send an application consisting of a short cover letter and a CV (maximum one A4 page each) both in English, to wawambjob@um.dk by 15 June, 2022.

In the subject line include a note: “HEAD OF ADMINISTRATION: first name and surname”

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview at the Embassy shortly after the application deadline.

In the application insert a clause concerning General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): “I hereby agree to the processing of personal data included in my application for the needs necessary to carry out the recruitment process in accordance to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament of the Council of 27 April 2016”

For any questions regarding the position, please contact the Deputy Head of Mission, Malene Bøgesvang malbog@um.dk

 About the Danish Embassy in Warsaw

The Embassy of Denmark in Warsaw is an ambitious and dynamic workplace that represents Denmark’s political, commercial, defence and cultural relationship with Poland.

We are almost 40 employees, 8 of whom are posted from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Danish Ministries. We believe that team spirit is key to good performance and well-being.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark promotes equality and diversity. Therefore, all qualified and interested persons, regardless of age, gender, religion and ethnicity are encouraged to apply for the position.

For further information visit www.polen.um.dk and um.dk